Project: Indian Scholars and International Law

The vision of the ISLR Project on Indian Scholars and International Law is to create a comprehensive repository of writings by Indian scholars on international law. By bringing together diverse perspectives and insights from Indian academics, the project aims to promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of international law in the Indian context. It envisions a platform that serves as a valuable resource for students, researchers, and policymakers, facilitating their access to the wealth of knowledge contributed by Indian scholars in the field of international law.


The primary objective of the ISLR Project is to curate, organize, and make accessible the writings of Indian scholars on international law on one platform. This objective encompasses the following key goals:

  1. Centralized Repository: Establish a centralized digital repository that houses a vast collection of scholarly articles, research papers, book chapters, and other relevant publications authored by Indian scholars in the field of international law. This repository will serve as a one-stop platform, enabling easy access to a wide range of valuable resources.
  2. Accessibility and Convenience: Ensure that the repository is easily accessible to students, researchers, and policymakers, promoting convenience and efficiency in their search for relevant information. Implement user-friendly features such as advanced search options, categorization, and tagging to facilitate efficient navigation and retrieval of materials.
  3. Knowledge Dissemination: Facilitate the dissemination of Indian scholars’ contributions on international law by promoting open access principles. Encourage the sharing of knowledge and ideas through unrestricted access to the repository’s contents, thereby fostering a broader intellectual exchange and enhancing global awareness of Indian perspectives on international law.
  4. Collaborative Network: Establish a collaborative network with Indian universities, research institutions, and scholars specializing in international law. Foster partnerships and collaborations to encourage the ongoing contribution of new research, insights, and publications to the repository. Actively engage with the scholarly community to ensure the repository remains up-to-date, comprehensive, and reflective of the latest developments in the field.
  5. Capacity Building: Promote the use of the repository as an educational resource by organizing workshops, seminars, and training programs for students, researchers, and policymakers. Enhance their understanding of international law, its application, and its relevance within the Indian context by leveraging the wealth of knowledge available in the repository.

By realizing these objectives, the ISLR Project seeks to bridge the gap between Indian scholarship and international law, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter and facilitating informed policy-making in India and beyond.