Virtual board meetings – corporate governance redefined

Like all the other spheres of life today ‘virtual is the new real’ even for the corporates. In this pandemic if something is holding the economies of the world and has been able to avoid the devastations of economic crisis in the form of Inflation i.e., the smooth running of the business eco system. InContinueContinue reading “Virtual board meetings – corporate governance redefined”


This course will focus on providing extensive knowledge to the students about the Company Law along with corporate restructuring and along with SEBI regulations of the M&A.

Budget 2021: The Key Changes for the Businesses in India

Photo credit: indiatvnews On 1st February 2021, the Finance minister announced the union budget. The budget is alleged by experts to be non- controversial as there are no major changes related to the tax slabs or neither there is a remission nor addition to the financial structure.  But there are few changes made in theContinueContinue reading “Budget 2021: The Key Changes for the Businesses in India”

The Securities Laws of India and The USA- A Critical Analysis

This blog deals with the analysis of the structure of the legal system developed by India and USA to alleviate the systemic problems in the securities laws. It also chalks out the differences between the implementation of the established legal mechanisms.